A Word to the Wise

As the written word has become a prevalent form of communication over the past millennia, advice on what level of apprehension should accompany the reader has become equally abundant. The general rule acknowledged nowadays is "just because it's written down doesn't make it so". That's good advice. However, we all have to rely on the research and revelations of others to some degree or we'd have to base everything we know on those facts that we have personally learned the hard way and that is quite unrealistic. In a world that has reached the levels of communication which we all now enjoy, we have to maintain our own personally chosen levels of skepticism and form our own rules as to who we trust and in whom we have confidence.

If the "reader beware" rule applies to the written word, that rule applies to the cyberword exponentially. When reading a book one has the assurance that some publisher somewhere thought enough of the author's ideas to risk the loss of money by making those ideas available to the general public. That doesn't make the content of the book true, or even valuable, it just means that the literature has passed some sort of screening to whatever degree. Even if a book is self-published, someone is risking something to make their point. By comparison, the cyberword is cheap, if not free. With current computer technology anyone with a keyboard and a net service can pass along information with which they are completely unfamiliar, have not verified, or, indeed, can clearly lie all the while contending that they are being honest and that they are qualified to pass judgement on the alleged information.

This has never been more true than in the case of Bob Lazar. Bob Lazar has been blamed for, on the negative side, and credited with, on the positive side, every imaginable possibility under the Sun. From his most ardent proponents to his most vicious opponents the one true common denominator is that these people, generally speaking, do not know what they're talking about. There is no other site on the net in which any of the people involved know Bob Lazar to any appreciable degree. Someone may have had a brief interview with him or read something he allegedly said or did and drawn their own conclusions, but when you see someone telling you what type of "fellow" Bob Lazar is and giving you a lengthy explanation of the "hows" and "whys" of his personality or his story, they are clearly lying or minimally expressing a completely unsubstantiated opinion. (For examples of these types of "ufologists" return to the main menu and click on Gossip & Rumors)

What we've tried to do with this Tri-Dot productions web site is teach you about the Lazar story and about the man himself, all with the full knowledge and input of Bob Lazar. As you can plainly see, we offer much of this for free and also sell educational/fun products in the Tri-Dot Company store. The impact of Bob Lazar's story is far reaching and the more you familiarize yourself with it, the more accurately you'll be able to sift through the plethora of UFO information available on the net. Once you have something to hang your hat on, the rest is a breeze!

Have fun, and just because you know "They're Here", you now belong to the intelligent, free thinking, majority of the world. It didn't use to be that way in the past, but now it will never be any other way in the future!

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